Mystery guest research by HS Brands

Mystery guest research, or mystery shopper research, is a form of customer satisfaction research in the most realistic way. Mystery shopper research creates specific points of interest that you can immediately put to work. So ideal. Would you first like to get some more information about this type of research? Then we invite you to read on.

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Mystery guest study
Mystery guest study

What does mystery shopper/guest research entail?

In a mystery shopper survey we look at customer satisfaction with the help of mystery guests. These are shoppers who make a test visit to your organization and pay attention to the points that you find important. Together with you, we develop a unique research beforehand in which we link customer experience to your vision. With knowledge, expertise and more than fifteen years of experience, HS Brands provides research that is in line with the goals set by your organization.

Different forms of mystery guest research

Within the category Mystery guest research there are many forms. 

  1. Mystery visits:  For in-depth customer experiences from the first to the last touchpoint.
  2. Mystery calls: A first impression is often made at the first contact.
  3. < strong>Webshop reviews: With the right customer experience, you turn your customers into loyal customers.
  4. Hygiene audit: More than ever, things like safety and hygiene are preconditions for a good customer experience.
  5. Qualitative care research: Patient journey visualized by a qualitative care research.
Mystery guest study
Mystery guest study

Building criticism and helpful feedback

Customers are often only willing to give feedback when experiences have been remarkably good or bad. This does not provide a good representation of the actual customer experience, nor does it provide a good basis for improvements. Our mystery guests will always provide stimulating feedback: on site if desired. This contributes very effectively to the awareness of your employees and their important part in the customer experience.

Be able to highlight the main goals

At Mystery guest research we always look at ways to investigate the most important values ​​and goals of an organization. Not all points are equally important. If the research shows that little importance is attached to, for example, furnishings by the customer, then this will be looked at less strictly. This of course also applies the other way around. It is important to prioritize what is important to you as an organization and what is important to your customer. 

Mystery guest study
Mystery guest study

Mystery guest research in healthcare

We can also apply mystery guest research in healthcare. Our method does not put extra pressure on healthcare and ensures that real contacts are clearly mirrored. This makes it the ultimate way to gain insight into patient orientation during all conceivable contact moments with your healthcare institution (patient journey). We can also place a Feedbox (real-time feedback box) to get feedback from real patients. 

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Mystery guest study

Mystery guest study

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