Why customer satisfaction research?

Why should a company or organization do customer satisfaction research? Besides the fact, that acquiring new customers is higher in expenses and time than maintaining your current customers, you can read a number of reasons below.

  • Satisfied customers are more likely to be positive about the organization towards potential customers.
  • Satisfied customers remain loyal to the organization.
  • Satisfied customers are willing to pay more for the added value that the company offers.
Start improving your customer satisfaction!
Why customer satisfaction research
Improving customer satisfaction

Improving customer satisfaction

Customers have a major influence on the performance of your organization. Dissatisfied customers leave you and satisfied customers help your business grow. Provided you continue to focus on improving customer satisfaction. A common mistake is to stop improving customer satisfaction when it has been shown to be sufficient.

What do your customers say about the company when you're not there?

Start a customer satisfaction research!
Examples customer satisfaction

Examples customer satisfaction

A customer satisfaction research is different for every company and can consist of one or more survey types. Such as, for example, the use of questionnaires, mystery guests or feedback software, such as our Liveshopper or Feedbox.

But you are probably looking for a number of sample questions to get an idea of ​​what such an investigation will look like. Below you will find an indication of one of our options in which we use questionnaires, among other things.


Sample questions in customer satisfaction research

  • How satisfied are you with our X brand?
  • How important is property X when deciding to buy?
  • Would you buy something from brand X again?

If you start with a customer satisfaction survey, it always costs energy, time and money. That's why it's better to get it right the first time.

Curious about what the wishes and experiences of your customers really are? You do this through the use of qualitative customer satisfaction surveys.

questions customer satisfaction research
Customer satisfaction research from HS Brands

Customer satisfaction research from HS Brands

We always find a suitable solution for your research question and use various research methods to measure customer satisfaction. We work in a structured way and according to a proven method. Including the deployment of mystery guests and mystery shoppers.

We often combine this type of research with some type of quantitative research (usually with use of questionnaires). By using this combination, we reveal bottlenecks and bumps in the road. In this way we are able to give your company a clear and well investigated advice for improvements.

Measuring customer satisfaction, a proven method

HS Brands Europe has more than 100 years of experience in various branches and sectors. Our working method has therefore been proven to be successful. We work according to a fixed structure.

  • Intake and problem statement; during this phase we sit down (digitally) together. We get acquainted and map out your research question in concrete terms. We also give advise on the preferred types of research.
  • Composition of research types; we draw up a concrete plan of approach and associated planning. This is always explained in consultation with the client.
  • Preparation and implementation; this is the main phase and this is where the customer satisfaction survey is actually conducted and we collect all the necessary survey data.
  • Processing and evaluation; in this phase we interpret and check the research data. Here, among other things, issues come to light and we check whether the results are significant and reliable.
  • Reporting & advice; an advisory report emerges from the investigation. In addition to hard figures and conclusions, this report also contains recommendations. We bring issues to light and propose concrete improvements and tools to immediately improve your customer satisfaction.
Measuring customer satisfaction
5 components in customer satisfaction research

5 components in customer satisfaction research

It is very important to know your customer and what is important to them. Not every aspect is as important than another, it is important to find the key components. At HS Brands we roughly use 5 components on which customer satisfaction is measured:

  • Reliability
  • Certainty
  • Tangible assets
  • Responsiveness
  • Empathy
Start a customer satisfaction research!

What is really important to your customer?

In a qualitative customer satisfaction research, it is important to look at their importance in addition to satisfaction with these components. Both for the customer and for your company.

Because how important is, for example, empathy to your clients? If the research shows that little importance is attached to this component, it is also not a problem if the score is lower on this part. This, ofcourse, also works the other way around.

importance customer satisfaction research
customer satisfaction research success

The key to success

Continuing to innovate and improve is the key to success. The most successful organizations know exactly what their customers' needs are. By conducting qualitative customer satisfaction research, they found this out and it gave them an preferred position over their competitors. Customer satisfaction surveys should therefore be conducted regularly (often annually or semi-annually). The wishes and needs of customers can change very quickly. By measuring regularly, changes in satisfaction can be responded to in time. Other than that, we could measure whether the improvements in the past have led to the desired effect.

Let's start!

Different types of customer satisfaction research

Roughly speaking, we use three types of research. At HS Brands it is possible to combine those various types of research.

  • Online, such as online questionnaires, a chat box, emails.
  • Real-time, think of feedbox or live shopper. You will receive immediate feedback at the moment supreme.
  • Offline, such as mystery guest research, in-depth interviews and telephone.
Different types of customer satisfaction research
Which companies measure customer satisfaction

Which companies measure customer satisfaction?

B2B companies aswell as B2C companies can benefit greatly from a customer satisfaction research.

For any organization or institution that works with customers, it can be of great value to measure customer, and it will often give you surprising insights.

Curious about what is going on with your customers? Then start today with a customer satisfaction research at HS Brands Europe.

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Customer Satisfaction Research

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