Customer journey mapping & customer journey mapping

The Customer Journey is step one in gaining insight into the experience of the customer or guest. And that is where it often goes wrong. When drawing up a Customer Journey one should look at it from the perspective of the customer and not from the perspective of (the processes and procedures) of the company. From inside out, to outside in! Step one is to determine the target group and to analyse whether there is a different customer journey for each target group. If this is the case, then it is advisable to draw up multiple Customer Journeys per target group (or persona).

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Researching the customer journey takes time, but once this time is invested, it offers many benefits. Customer Journey Mapping gives you helpful insights that you can use to optimise business processes and explore opportunities for improvement. By offering your customers the best customer journey, you turn prospects into loyal customers!

View all phases of the customer journey

Do you know when the Customer Journey begins? From the moment the guest or customer enters your shop or much earlier? Often the exploration phase is skipped when drawing up the Customer Journey, but this is a very essential moment in the Customer Journey. In this phase you find out when and why a customer or guest is triggered to choose your product or service. The contact moments in this phase are often generated by marketing activities. We therefore advocate that marketing should be part of the entire creation process and not just the operational departments.

Finally, it is important not to forget the after-sales part of the journey. For example, what do you do to keep connected and build loyalty?

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What is your distinguishing capacity?

When a Customer Journey is drawn up professionally, it leads to new discussions and gives your company food for thought. By mapping out the Customer Journey, you are obliged to start thinking about the distinguishing capacity of your company. Where are the stars and how high do they score in the perception of the customer or guest? It's not bad if there are peaks and troughs in a customer journey, as long as the peaks are in the distinctive capacity.

Develop a Service Concept

Develop a blueprint for selection, hiring and/or assessment of employees. Immediately suitable for qualitative research.

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We go one step further than just making a nice picture, but take the next step. By means of a Service Concept, we describe for each contact point in the customer journey what the behavior of the employees should be. For example, a blueprint has been developed for selection, hiring and/or assessment of employees and there is a fantastic document as the basis for qualitative research.

In order to continuously maintain a good picture of the correspondence between the behavior of the employees and the behavior described in the blueprint, we periodically carry out mystery guest visits. In this way we keep an eye on the appreciation of every contact point in the customer journey and adjust where necessary.

Customer journey mapping

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