Research the guest experience of your organisation

Guest experience is the total experience of a guest at a company or organisation, from booking to checkout, both online, and offline. At HS Brands, by using mystery guest research, we are able to find out the extent of the guest experience.

In other words: how does the guest experience a visit to your company? And more importantly: what can be improved to take the guest experience to the next level? That way, you can exceed your guests' expectations.

Would you like to know how the guest experience is in your organisation? Then you have come to the right place!

What can guest experience research bring to your business?

By conducting research into the guest experience of your company, important insights are generated that can lead to more turnover. The relationship with the customer can be improved which will increase loyalty. In addition, applying the results of customer journey research can lead to happy customers. These happy customers, in turn, leave positive reviews, increasing the probability of prospect purchase by 7.3% per review.


measure guest experience with mystery shopper research
HS Brands Europe
Measuring the guest experience

Measuring the guest experience with mystery guests

Before our mystery guest or mystery shoppers visit your organisation, we draw up a so-called service concept together with you.

This service concept is a 'handbook' of what your guests can expect during interaction moments with your organisation. This handbook is used as a basis for the checklist of our mystery guests. This way, the aspects that are important to you are really looked at.

After our mystery guests have visited your organisation, they write down their findings and the results are analysed and subsequently summarised in an extensive advice report.


Our mystery guests are trained to observe sharply and objectively. Guests are often only willing to give feedback if the experience is clearly good or bad. Our mystery guests always give independent and useful feedback. This is very effective in raising the awareness of, for instance, employees and their crucial role in the guest experience.

Guest experience trends

In a world that is constantly changing, it is important to keep up with current hospitality trends. For instance, guests increasingly want a special and memorable experience that they, mainly Millenials, can share on social media. In addition, the availability of more and more data makes it possible to cater more and more to your guests' personal preferences. The importance of good reviews is also increasing. This is because bad reviews can cause a lot of reputation damage, while good reviews can bring in extra guests. For instance, 1 bad review equals 8 good ones and 4 out of 5 potential guests click away when seeing a bad review.

So it's high time to reduce these bad reviews by increasing your guest experience.

HS Brands Europe
Research, measure and improve the guest experience at HS Brands

Increase guest experience with real-time customer feedback

Are you aiming for more guests to come back and stay longer? If so, you would do well to improve the guest experience. But how do you increase your guests' experience?

A mystery guest survey is not the only way to find out what can be improved in terms of guest experience. We investigate the guest experience by actually using the guests. This way, you receive direct feedback from your target audience and collect real-time data that really matters. By asking the right questions at the right time, you get the best insight into the guest experience. For example, by using our so-called Liveshopper and Feedbox.


Via our liveshopper application the client assesses his or her guest experience after the visit by means of a few short questions. Photos of situations, products or marketing expressions can also be used.

The liveshopper app gives you real-time insight into the guest experience. Based on these insights, you can act to improve aspects.

measure guest experience with our liveshopper app
measure the guest experience with liveshopper at HS Brands
Measuring the guest experience


By means of a touchscreen PC in a column and a wifi connection, it is possible to obtain continuous real-time information. Answering questions by means of smileys ensures a low threshold and a high response rate.

The consumer answers a number of questions by choosing emoticons that vary from a happy to an angry smiley and in this way the perception of the guests can be ascertained. It is also possible to ask a number of multiple choice and open questions.

measure guest experience with our feedbox

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