Getting the value from Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Customer satisfaction surveys, online reviews, surveys or panel surveys are thrown into the fray. NPS, CES and NLS and various other scores determine future strategies.

It is difficult to see the wood for all those trees, because what value can you assign to, for example, online reviews and customer satisfaction surveys? Research has shown that 70% of satisfied customers never leave a review. If something is very bad or very good then yes, but if the experience is just oké then people often don't bother. So these are the most customer experiences you never hear about. So how do you turn an ordinary okay experience into something fantastic? Then a customer satisfaction survey (KTO), we are inundated with it. With every step you take online you will be asked if you want to give your opinion about a product or rate the service. In some restaurants, tablets are shoved under your nose after you've enjoyed dinner and asked if you want to leave your opinion. At the end of a telephone conversation with customer service, the employee asks if you want to leave a good review, because he or she will be charged for this. Just say no to that. If all this data is so important to us, why don't we validate this data?

The methodology of HS Brands

Suppose there is a methodology that uses real customers and guests to represent that large group of people (70%) who never leave their opinions behind. These customers and guests mirror their positive and negative experiences, explain why they experience it that way and even more beautiful; they give tips on what they would like differently or what made them really happy during their experience with a service or product. Organizations can use this method throughout the year. But also within a short period of time if it concerns a specific project or a certain part of the customer journey. That would be fantastic.

Reliable information that you can use immediately. Precisely tailor-made and attuned to the questions that the organization has at that moment. Fortunately, we have that method in our hands. We are happy to help!

Improve the customer experience of your service or product